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Talks & Presentations

Dec. 2024
Breaking through the barrier of time integration for climate and weather simulations
Université de Genève
invited talk
May 2024
Perspectives of weather and climate simulations on next-generation HPC systems
HPC Seminar @ Bordeaux
Bordeaux (virtual)
invited talk, virtual
Mar. 2024
Breaking through the barrier of time integration for climate and weather simulations
NHR PerfLab Seminar
invited talk, virtual
Nov. 2023
Time integration methods of climate and weather simulations: Of fairy tales and co-design
Colorado University of Boulder, Colorado, USA
invited talk
Nov. 2023
Dynamic Processes with PSets (DPP)
Birds of Feather at Supercomputing 2023
Denver, Colorado, USA
short talk
May 2023
The Time-X EuroHPC project
International Supercomputing 2023
Hambourg, GER
talk at EuroHPC booth
May 2023
Updates on MPI sessions & new dynamic processes
International Supercomputing (ISC) 2023
Hambourg, GER
talk as MPI birds of feather
Mar. 2023
HPC challenges for ocean and atmosphere simulations within the AIRSEA Inria team
Joint Laboratory on Extreme Scale Computing (JLESC) Workshop
Bordeaux, FR
Feb. 2023
Challenges of Weather and Climate Simulations and Parallel-in-Time Approaches
Amsterdam, NL
talk as co-organizer of this minisymposium
Nov. 2022
Enabling I/O and Computation Malleability in High-Performance Computing: Application perspective on dynamic resources
Birds of Feather, Supercomputing 2022, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
invited talk
Oct. 2022
Invasive Computing - Part IX: Return of the Jedi
InvasIC Colloquium
Erlangen, Germany
invited talk
Nov. 2022
A Brief Glimpse on Emerging (Parallel-in-)Time Integration Methods for Weather and Climate Simulations
University of Colorado Boulder, USA
invited talk
Jul. 2022
A Brief Glimpse on Some Emerging (Parallel-in-)Time Integration Methods for Weather and Climate Simulations
International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE)
Reykjavík, Iceland
Jul. 2022
Time stepping with rational approximations of exponential integrators: REXI 2.0
11th Conference on PinT methods
CIRM, France
Jun. 2022
A Brief Glimpse on Emerging Time Integration Methods for Weather and Climate Simulations
Seminar series
Université de Pau, France
invited talk
May 2022
Using Artificial Neural Network to solve PDEs?
International Supercomputing Conference, Panel discussion
Hamburg, Germany
short presentation as panel member
Dec. 2021
Tackling the Curse of Time Integration for Future Weather and Climate Simulations
Journées EDP Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (JEARA), 2021
Saint-Étienne, France
Oct. 2021
Tackling the Curse of Time Integration for Future Weather and Climate Simulations
Exponential Integrators and beyond, 2021, one-afternoon workshop
Sorbonne Université, France
Sep. 2021
Cauchy Contour Integration based REXI methods for Climate and Weather simulations
Conference on the Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations (NUMDIFF-16)
Kassel, Germany
May 2021
An update on Rational Approximations of Exponential Integrating Methods: REXI 2.0
Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere (PDES)
(Virtual) German Weather Service, Germany
Apr. 2021
Next-Generation Time Stepping Methods for Weather and Climate Simulations
vEGU 2021
(Virtual) EGU
Mar. 2021
On Next-Generation Time Stepping Methods for Weather and Climate Simulations
GAMM 2021
Virtual University of Kassel, Germany
Sep. 2020
Next-Generation Time Integration targeting Weather and Climate Simulations
2020 ECMWF annual seminar on "numerical methods for atmospheric and oceanic modelling"
ECMWF, Reading, UK
Jan. 2020
On the way to robust methods for training Artificial Neural Networks for time integrating PDEs
NCAR Seminar Series
National Center for Atmopsheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Nov. 2019
On Next-Generation Time Stepping Methods for Weather and Climate Simulations
"Oberseminar Dynamics" in Mathematics Department
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Oct. 2019
An Exponential Time Integration Perspective on Machine Learning with Neural Networks
Mathematics of Weather Workshop
Bad Orb, Germany
Sep. 2019
Recent Advancements on Parallel-in-Time Integration Targeting Weather and Climate simulations
Seminar in Deparment of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sep. 2019
High-performance exponential integration of linear PDEs
STMI 2019: Workshop on Software Technology for Modeling and Inversion
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
May 2019
PFASST: Exploiting time-parallelism with a multi-level spectral deferred correction scheme for the shallow water equations on the rotating sphere
Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere (PDES) Conference
Montreal, Canada
Mar. 2019
About novel time integration methods for weather and climate simulations
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, UK
invited talk
Feb. 2019
Next Generation Time Integration Methods
University of Erlangen, GER
invited talk
Dec. 2018
Exploiting new degrees of parallelization with rational approximations for linear and non-linear time integration
Banff, Canada
invited talk
Apr. 2018
Exponential Integrators for Weather and Climate Simulations using Global Spectral Methods
Seminar talk
Technical University of Munich, Germany
invited talk
Apr. 2018
Exponential Integrators for Weather and Climate Simulations using Global Spectral Methods
Invited mathematics seminar talk
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
invited talk
Apr. 2018
Parallel programming paradigms and models for GPU-based supercomputers for mathematicians
Invited HPC lecture in mathematics
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
invited talk
Apr. 2018
From biological parameter optimization to fluid simulations: Parallel programming paradigms and models for GPU-based supercomputer
Invited HPC lecture in computer science
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
invited talk
Mar. 2018
From biological optimization to fluid simulations: How to exploit peta-scale GPU-based supercomputers
HPC Seminar
University of Grenoble, France
invited talk
Feb. 2018
Exponential Integrators for Weather and Climate Simulations using Global Spectral Methods
Math Seminar
University of Grenoble, France
invited talk
Oct. 2017
Exponential Integrators for Weather and Climate Simulations using Global Spectral Methods
Parallel-in-Time Workshop
Monte Verità, Switzerland
invited talk
Sep. 2017
A parallel-in-time method for the shallow-water equations on the rotating sphere
SciCADE Conference
Bath, UK
invited talk
Jul. 2017
PinT your life! Time-to-solution challenges for climate and weather simulations
Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, Berkeley, US
invited talk
Jun. 2017
SPH-REXI: REXI for the linear shallow water equations on the rotating sphere
PetSc meeting
Colorado University of Boulder, US
invited talk
May. 2017
SPH-REXI: A parallel-in-time method for linear oscillatory problems with spherical harmonics
TOY workshop
NCAR, Boulder, US
Apr. 2017
SPH-REXI: A parallel-in-time method for linear oscillatory problems with spherical harmonics
PDEs on the Sphere
Paris, FR
Mar. 2017
SPH-REXI: An efficient parallel-in-time solver with application in ocean and atmospheric simulations on the sphere
Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods
Copper Mountain, US
invited talk, self funded
. 2016
PinTing oscillatory problems with a massively paralle rational approximation
Fifth Parallel-in-time Integration Workshop
Banff, CA
Sep. 2016
Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Refinement with RLE-clustering vs. Parallelization-in-Time with REXI
Advances in HPC for geoscience applications
Milano, IT
Sep. 2016
Beyond scalability limitations: Massively parallel rational approximation of oscillatory problems & more
invited talk
May 2016
Massively parallel rational approximation of oscillatory problems
STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, UK
Apr. 2016
Beyond scalability limitations: Massively parallel rational approximation of oscillatory problems
Mini-symposium, HPC days in Lyon
Lyon, FR
Apr. 2016
HPC & accelerator cards
University of Bath, UK
Guest lecture
Feb. 2016
Beyond scalability limitations: Massively parallel rational approximation of oscillatory problems
University of Bath, UK
Dez. 2015
PinT it! Parallelization-in-Time for Climate and Weather
Technical University of Munich, Garching, GER
invited talk
Nov. 2015
Parallelization in time for climate and weather simulations
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, GER
Oct. 2015
Parallelization in time with application for climate and weather
Partial differential equations on the sphere (PDEs)
Seoul, South Korea
May 2015
Parallelization-in-time for climate and weather
Mathematics of the Weather Workshop 2015
Erquy, FR
Mar. 2015
Towards cluster-based parallelization for high-dimensional Cartesian grids
Galerkin methods with applications in weather and climate forecasting
ICMS, Edinburgh, UK
Nov. 2013
Parallelization of dynamically changing grids with a cluster-based approach and invasion
University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
talk as part of research stay
Nov. 2013
Parallelization of dynamically changing grids with a cluster-based approach and invasion
Imperial College London, London, UK
Sep. 2013
SFC-based Communication Metadata Encoding for Adaptive Mesh
ParCo 2013
Technical University of Munich, Garching, GER
Aug. 2013
Cluster Optimization and Parallelization of Simulations with Dynamically Adaptive Grids
Euro-Par 2013
Aachen, Germany
Dez. 2012
Shared Memory Parallelization of Fully-Adaptive Simulations Using a Dynamic Tree-Split and -Join Approach
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC)
Puna, India
Sep. 2012
Invasive Computing on High Performance Shared Memory Systems
Facing the Multicore-Challenge III
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Jun. 2012
What I’m doing or try to do... Sierpi(nski) & more
Chair Meeting 2012
Technical University of Munich
Non-public presentation, attendees were also Prof. Michael Bader, Oliver Meister, Kaveh Rahnema who were finally dropping their own (also reprogrammed) parallelization approach for dynamically adaptive grids and reprogramming the one from this and previous presentations.
Feb. 2012
Space-Filling Curves Continued: Sierpinski
Leogang 2012
Leogang, Austria
Nov. 2011
Project meeting
Garching, Germany
Attendees were also Jörn Behrens but in particular Prof. Michael Bader, Oliver Meister, Kaveh Rahnema
Jan. 2012
Let's play - building a game physics engine
KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Additional presenters: K. Unterweger, A. Atanasov, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Tobias Weinzierl
Jun. 2011
Free-Surface Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation on Many-Core Architectures
ICCS 2011
Singapore, Republic of Singapore