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M. Schreiber, C. Riesinger, T. Neckel und H.-J. Bungartz: Invasive Compute Balancing for Applications with Hybrid Parallelization [BibTeX].
In Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD'13), Oktober 2013.
M. Schreiber, T. Weinzierl und H.-J. Bungartz: SFC-based Communication Metadata Encoding for Adaptive Mesh [BibTeX].
In M. Bader (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Computing (ParCo), Oktober 2013. accepted.
M. Schreiber, T. Weinzierl und H.-J. Bungartz: Cluster Optimization and Parallelization of Simulations with Dynamically Adaptive Grids [
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Jahrgang 2012
M. Schreiber, H.-J. Bungartz und M. Bader: Shared Memory Parallelization of Fully-Adaptive Simulations Using a Dynamic Tree-Split and -Join Approach [pdf] [BibTeX]. IEEE Xplore, Puna, India, Dezember 2012.
M. Bader, H.-J. Bungartz und M. Schreiber: Invasive Computing on High Performance Shared Memory Systems [BibTeX].
In Facing the Multicore-Challenge III, Band 7686 der Reihe Lecture Notes in Computer Science, S. 1–12, September 2012.
M. Gerndt, A. Hollmann, M. Meyer, M. Schreiber und J. Weidendorfer: Invasive computing with iOMP [BibTeX].
In Specification and Design Languages (FDL), S. 225 –231, September 2012.