Some features in the bleeding edge version (Maybe not available in the download version)
- Fully-adaptive framework to solve 2D hyperbolic problems
- Frontends: Console, OpenGL
- Backends: Paraview VTK Files, OpenGL, dummy
- Interactive simulations & insight with OpenGL
- Multithreading backends: OpenMP, TBB, invasive OpenMP/TBB
- Distributed memory systems: MPI
- Kernel based object oriented programming
- Code-generator optimized traversators
- Different domain triangulations (Strips, sphere, cross, ...)
- Periodic boundary conditions to assemble a world-sphere
- Memory and cache efficient due to space filling curve and stack based communication
- C++11 based for better programmability
- Different solvers - e. g. Riemann solver from GeoClaw
- Tsunami simulation specific:
- Advanced flux solvers
- Runge-Kutta time-stepping
- Bathymetry
- Benchmarks
- ...