Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CData< T >3D Data storage container
CDirectoryDirectory access
CFileFile content access
CFilterGradient< T >SegRegTk: Gradient Filter
CFilterGraph< T >SegRegTk: Graph Filter
CFilterGraph< T >::CPointClass to handle a point in the 3d space
CFilterHandler< T >Handler class to fuse all the filter to one class
CFilterHandler< T >::SParamFilter parameter handling (store/load)
CFilterMatchingSimple< T >SegRegTk: Matching filter (affine transformation)
CFilterParticles< T >SegRegTk: Particle Filter
CFilterSphere< T >SegRegTk: Sphere Filter
CGraph< N, T >Graph handling
CGraph< N, T >::CEdgeGraph Edge
CGraph< N, T >::CEdgeIteratorEdge Iterator
CGraph< N, T >::CEdgeNeighborEdge Neighbors
CGraph< N, T >::CEdgePositionEdge Position
CGraph< N, T >::CNodeGraph Node (on the Edge)
CGraphFlatLine< TNode >Flatten Graph Edge (used only for NP hard graph matching)
CGraphFlattenEdgeGaussianFlatten Edge helper class
CGraphRaw< N, T >Simple Graph handling
CGraphRaw< N, T >::CNeighborNodeNeighbored node (join edge)
CGraphRaw< N, T >::CNodeRawNode in the graph
CMatrix3< T >3x3 Matrix Handler
CMatrix4< T >4x4 matrix handler
CMemoryContainerMemory container for easy access of stackwise oriented memory blocks
CPointRadius< N, T >Handler for nD position and sphere radius
CVector< N, T >Template nD vector handler
CVector< 2, T >2D Vector handler
CVector< 2, T >::compareSetCompare set for sort operation
CVector< 3, T >3D Vector handler
CVector< 3, T >::compareSetCompare set for sort operation
CVector< 4, T >4D Vector handler
CVector< 4, T >::compareSetCompare set for sort operation

Generated on Tue Feb 3 04:48:34 2009 for SegRegTk by  doxygen 1.5.6